Tire Pressure Monitoring System

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Universal TMPS Sensor
Universal TMPS Sensor
Replacement TPMS sensors offer universal coverage, as they can be programmed to work with 99.7% of vehicles, which helps reduce inventory costs and the amount of product on hand. They also feature wide compatibility, being programmable and cloneable with all leading programming tools. Additionally, these universal sensors replicate full OEM functionality, ensuring they meet the performance standards of original equipment manufacturers.
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Universal TMPS Sensor 1 52501 Log in to view price
Item Number: 52501
Package Weight: 0.1 lbs
Universal TPMS Service Kit
Universal TPMS Service Kit
Replacement TPMS sensors offer UNIVERSAL COVERAGE, compatible with 99.7% of vehicles, and provide FULL FUNCTIONALITY by replicating OEM features. The repair kit, UNIVERSAL REPAIR [K-M No. 52-503], services 97% of metal valve stem TPMS sensors, allowing for convenient rebuilding or servicing instead of replacement.
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TPMS Universal Service Kit 6 1 52503 Log in to view price
Item Number: 52503
Package Weight: 0 lbs

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Pkg Qty: 1
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Pkg Qty: 1
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